How to Use Magnesium Flakes for Body and Foot Soaks



Stress, aches, and pains are common issues. Many of us feel relief when we slip into a warm bath. The addition of magnesium flakes will make baths even more effective.

What is Magnesium?

Magnesium is a mineral that supports various bodily functions. It regulates muscle and nerve function, blood sugar levels, and blood pressure. One of the most important minerals, it is also vital in making protein, bone, and DNA.

Many also use magnesium for its ability to promote relaxation. It binds to calming receptors in the brain, helping to balance soothing GABA with exciting glutamate. It also regulates the stress hormone cortisol and helps regulate melatonin production to improve sleep.

What are Magnesium Benefits?

Various studies establish magnesium’s role in fighting diseases. A 2024 PubMed study reveals magnesium may:

  • Regulate blood pressure and heart rhythm to support cardiovascular health.
  • Reduce the frequency and severity of migraines.
  • Enhance insulin sensitivity to help manage Type 2 diabetes.
  • Reduce anxiety and depression.
  • Help with calcium metabolism to reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
  • A 2005 PubMed Study reveals that magnesium-rich Dead Sea salt improves the skin barrier function to improve hydration and reduce inflammation in atopic dry skin.

How to Use Magnesium

Those who wish to benefit from magnesium may:

  • Consume magnesium-rich foods such as avocado, dark chocolate, spinach, and nuts.
  • Take a magnesium supplement, which is ideal for anyone who doesn’t get enough magnesium in their diet.
  • Use magnesium bath flakes to promote relaxation, reduce aches and pains, and protect against symptoms of dry skin.

How to Use Magnesium Bath Flakes

First, it’s essential to understand the difference between Epsom salts and magnesium flakes.

  • Epsom salts are magnesium sulfate. They are commonly used as a laxative or for muscle relaxation.
  • Magnesium bath flakes contain more concentrated magnesium, leading to advanced absorption. They can be used to improve sleep, manage cramps, and reduce migraines and stress.  

To use magnesium flakes:

  1.   Follow the manufacturer’s directions for the optimal amount to add to your bath- typically between 1-3 cups.
  2.   Enjoy a 15-minute bath a few times weekly for optimal benefits.

What Magnesium Flakes Should I Use?

Be aware that not all magnesium bath flakes are created equal. Choose a product you can count out to contain pure, non-irritating ingredients. Here are some recommended options.

Magnesium provides many health benefits, making it a necessary part of any health routine. It is especially effective in bath flake form as it promotes relaxation, moisturizes skin, and reduces aches and pains. How will you integrate it into your life?


Can you put magnesium flakes in drinking water?

Food-grade quality magnesium flakes with sea trace minerals can remineralize filtered drinking water. It can also be used as a mouthwash.

What are the side effects of a magnesium foot soak?

Magnesium foot soaks are generally safe, but in rare cases, they can lead to skin irritation, diarrhea and upset stomach, dizziness or lightheadedness, sleepiness, and muscle weakness.

Do magnesium flakes draw out toxins?

Magnesium flakes draw toxins and heavy metals from tissues to support detox. For an ideal foot bath, use warm water and your favorite relaxing essential oils, such as a few drops of clarifying tea tree oil, Eucalyptus, or Lavender. Then put on foot lotion to hydrate the skin afterwards.

